So since I have nothing to do and I do not follow Stylista, which the rest of my floormates are watching, I shall entertain you all with interesting things that have kept me amused over the past 5 hours or so. Also, have you all seen Britney Spears' new video for circus? I have to say, I am extremely underwhelmed. The idea of a circus is a really good metaphor for Hollywood and also led to very cool set designs and what not, but I am rather disappointed in Brit Brit herself. She really seems to have lost that spark; her dancing is lackluster, there wasn't much dancing in general, and I was just BORED by the video. I'm really cheering for her, but she's not giving me much to work with.
My sister also recently posted a youtube link on my wall that led me down the path of fond childhood memories and ridiculous anime. That's right, I'm talking about Sailor Moon. This shit is OLD, but good. I remember we bought all the Japanese comic books too even though we couldn't understand them, just so we could look at the pictures. One thing that baffled me even back then though, is why don't the bad guys ever run away!??! Whenever Serena started to use her barrettes and sceptars of awesomeness, the villains always just stood there screaming for 5 minutes while the energy beam slowly made their way over to kill them.
Also, a brief digression...This is kind of embarrassing but as long as I'm entertaining you guys might as well go all the way. When we were small my older sister would always get to pretend to be Sailor Moon while I was relegated the role of the cat or some other similarly miniscule role. One afternoon, she told me that she was REALLY Sailor Moon...which even in my 6 or 7 year old mind I pronounced as bullshit, but she swayed me after many minutes of convincing (more like 5). She told me that that night was the Midnight Ball and she was going, and obviously I fell to my knees and begged and pleaded for her to take me too, which she agreed to grudgingly. She told me to wake her up at midnight and she would open the magic portal and take me to the Midnight Ball...the rest of the day passed slowly but normally. Now at this time we were remodeling our house, so our entire family slept in the same room. My sister was on the top bunk while I was on the lower and my parents slept on their giant bed which was pushed up right next to ours. So we go to bed, and midnight comes and my eyelids spring open as if an alarm was ringing in my ear. I proceed to climb over my dad to try to wake up my sister on the top bunk, which of course wakes him up, which wakes up my mom, and they ask me WHAT in the world I am doing. All this commotion FINALLY wakes up my sister, who slowly realizes what's going on and proceeds to laugh hysterically for the next couple of days....or months....or years. This is a sample of what my childhood was like.
Speaking of my sister, she uploaded pictures of our dog recently. And for those observant enough to notice, yes, she is very into photography so the photo is of extremely high quality (as it should be, as she is using a $560 lens). Also, I guess that wasn't really a digression up there since I never went back to my original topic, but oh well. I digress again.

This is my dog. He is the cutest thing I have ever seen.
Also, to further amuse you all, here is a picture of the Mexican Walking Fish. According to, "The Mexican walking fish is on the verge of extinction. It’s a caecilian (more about that in a bit), and it lives in - where else? - the waters off Mexico." I think it looks like a pokemon.

And saving the best for last (I'm lying, I liked these things all equally), I present to the the Fainting Goat. Also according to, apparently they were bred as decoys to save the more valuable sheep from the preying wolves. That's kind of depressing to think about, but now they are also loved for their novelty and kept as pets :)
That is all. I hope you have all enjoyed this post.
Hahahah I enjoyed it.
GIZ!!!!!! I still remember when you first got him and we were debating what to name him :) :) :) I remember I suggested something like "Muffin" and you looked at me like you were going to smash my face into the popcorn walls of your house.
I also enjoyed the fish in this post. Hahaha.