Where did the time go!?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 at 5:26 PM
Things have been busy, as always.  I'm kind of starting to get the hang of this work hard party hard thing...although I'll have to get back to you on that after my 3 exams this week.  I'm doing another culture show for my friend, so there are those practices, and then I'm learning how to waack with the bboys here, and then there's the obligatory school work and what not.  Registration and rooming for next year is in 2 weeks...Ridiculous!! This year has gone by so quickly, where has all my time gone??

Last Friday was this huge dance show/competition that BC holds every year, called ALC Showdown.  It drew crowds of around 3000, and quite a few of my friends were performing.  Below is my personal favorite, (sorry Synergy and AeroK :D) it is definitely worth watching.  They're the BC/BU bboy crew called Bulletproof Theory, and they are fire!!!

This friday is also the spring concert for BC, and this year they got Ben Folds and Lupe Fiasco!!! Which is fantastic.  I have to say, I respect Lupe a lot for not drinking/doing drugs, and he doesn't swear in his songs and what not and has still managed to make it big.  His beats/lyrics are all really good regardless (not that you have to swear to be successful) and I quite enjoy his music :)  My friends stood in line and got me floor seat tickets, so this show should be quite enjoyable.  I'm excited for this week to just be over!! Easter Break is so close.

Did you know that a snail can sleep for 3 years? That's amazing.  I love to sleep. Perhaps I should just be a snail.  Also, if any of you need something else to waste your time, you should check out www.notalwaysright.com, which is something like fmylife.com but regarding stupid customers and slightly less funny, and also one of my personal favorites www.cracked.com, which is full of witty/funny articles and lists, like 7 Terrifying Creatures You'll Never See Coming, where they discuss the poisonous Stonefish:
"So next time you head to the beach, be on the lookout for the stonefish.  Oh wait.  You can't because it's fucking invisible."
Highly entertaining, highly informative.  

Also, I watched the Korea v. Japan baseball game last night with my Japanese floormate and 3-4 of my korean guy friends.  After Korea and Japan trashed Venezuela and the U.S. respectively, this game was definitely an exciting one to watch.  Everybody in the room got super competitive, but it was all in good fun :)  By the 10th inning, it was past 1 AM and we were all exhausted, but you can't go to bed during overtime!!! Much love to S, who held her ground despite being abused by her opponents and being locked out and what not....heh.  The korean boys proceeded to drink their sorrows away after the game...Guess the team won't be exempt from the army after all haha.

Life is so fun.  


Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at 8:54 AM
Now that it is once again Tuesday at 12 PM, that means it is time to completely disregard everything my psych teacher is saying to blog :) Don't worry, I actually have an idea of what to blog about this time...It won't just be my brain throwing up onto my keyboard. Pleasant, right?

So this is something I've noticed before, but didn't really contemplate as much until recently. I realized that while I now feel like a college student, I don't feel like a Boston College student. After getting involved with the culture clubs, and hence the Asian community here at BC, I feel like I don't go to Boston College the school, but rather that I attend a small Asian subset of the university. When I walk around campus, or walk into cafeterias, I automatically scan for Asians because it is highly likely that I will know them, either personally or just by face. On the other hand, at non-Asian events I have begun to keep to myself, because it is so much more likely that I don't know anybody at all.

This is not necessarily a bad thing. Being a part of the Asian community here has expanded my networks by a lot, in a way that I rather appreciate. I have met a lot of people that I would've never interacted with otherwise, and my friends are no longer limited to freshmen. There is always something to do, not just on the weekends but on the weekdays as well. There is always somebody who wants to grab lunch or dinner, or head to the gym, or just hang out for a couple of hours. If I can't sleep at night or am still awake at 5 in the morning due to some ill planning on my part, there is always somebody else awake (Apparently, Asians just don't sleep. I thought this was limited to MV, but BC has proven it correct as well haha). I guess it just feels nice to actually belong to some sort of community, to know that there are so many people I could ask for help.

On the other hand, the fact that there is always something to do is affecting the other groups of people or areas in my life. I have not spent quality time with my floormates in forever, and I miss them. I'm losing touch with friends I made first semester, even the people I've met this semester. The constant requests for time are so enticing that my work is more and more often being left undone, and my classes more and more often left unattended. My grades aren't suffering that badly though, which is probably encouraging my behavior in some sense. In fact, I'm even kind of doing better in some classes...how peculiar.

I guess that I'm still just looking for that balance that so often eludes me. Something to keep in mind I suppose...

Today is St. Patrick's Day, and the fact that I attend an Irish-Catholic school has never been more obvious. Everbody is wearing green, and some people have been drunk since last Thursday. I'm attending a club event for my friend's company party, so that should be pretty fun/exciting. It is open bar after all :P

I am so tired all the time. Even laying in bed all day for 2 days in a row has not been enough to replenish my energy...Must fix problem now. At least it's been nice outside, nice for Boston as in above 35 degrees. Tomorrow is even going to be 56 degrees...how exciting!!


Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at 8:56 AM
So spring break was pretty much amazing, despite all the time I spent travelling instead of chilling with my friends haha. Even though nobody else was home, I still had plenty to do in cute little Cupertino...bowling, shopping, the obligatory verde run, lots of eating :) I also got my lip pierced!!! Pictures on my facebook, don't think it'd be a good idea to put a picture of me on a public blog, hehe. To answer the usual questions, it actually didn't hurt that much to get it pierced...A really uncomfortable pinch haha and then my body kind of numbed the area in defense. The healing process actually sucked more, especially since I ate spicy food once or twice so I swelled like crazy and it was just really sore and uncomfortable for a really long time haha. However, a week and 2 days later it is healing rather well, minus the itchy scab stage haha.

So anyway, after spending a couple days in norcal I began my tour of socal in an effort to see as many people as possible haha. Started off flying down to San Diego, staying with A & L, which was very fun :) The beach is amazing, La Jolla Shores is absolutely gorgeous. Will upload pictures soon hehe. Then took Amtrak to UCLA to stay with N, whom I miss dearly <3 Then off to USC to see A & G. First off, it's so interesting to think about how we all think we know what college life is like...but in reality, each campus is so different that honestly, we have no idea how it is at every other school.

First off, socal campuses are GORGEOUS. There are actually people wandering around and hanging outdoors on campus and such..it's amazing that it's actually warm enough to consider such a thing haha. The palm trees are nice, and the weather is fantastic too. And I just realized how FREAKING SMALL the dorm rooms at Boston College are!!! I'm actually kind of bitter, I'm not gonna lie haha. The forced triples at UCSD are as big as the regular triples here...So sad haha. Also, frat row on USC is pretty impressive....I guess it's a pretty definining characteristic of the school, but I'm still kind of glad BC doesn't have a greek system haha. I'd have a lot less friends ahha.

Also, cabs suck. I spent almost $200 on cab fares this week and travel just fails in general. I pre-ordered a shuttle on sunday morning from USC to the airport, and it never showed...so after half an hour of waiting and then being put on hold for like 20 minutes after which they tell me my driver isn't picking up, I order a cab from a second company, which is then sent to COURTLAND street, instead of PORTLAND street. I hate my life. And there was only one security line at the airport so it was ridiculously slow, and I was legit the last one onto my flight. I ran onto my flight at 11:30, it was scheduled to leave at 11:30. They were closing the doors as I was running for it, and I got all the dirty looks from the airline staff and all the other passengers as I shamefully made my way down the aisle as that "last person" on the plane. SIGH.

I feel really all over the place, life since coming back to BC has been pretty...interesting to say the least haha. I have no cohesive thoughtful insights to share with you all...or rather I do, but none that I an form at the moment. Probably something to do with me being dizzy and sick...will update when I feel better haha.


Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 2:07 AM
An interesting thought..

Today at a party that G took me too, we were talking with some of her friends. One of the guys, C said that he had applied to Berkeley but didn't like it because they were very close-minded. The NorCal-ians of the group disagreed immediately, and discussion ensued. One girl said, "I feel like if you're liberal at all then you'll fit in at Berkeley", to which the guy responded, "But what if you're not?"

"Isn't that being close-minded then?"

What an interesting thought. I think I agree with the boy....Berkeley is more accurately liberal, not open. Thoughts anyone?