
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at 8:54 AM
Now that it is once again Tuesday at 12 PM, that means it is time to completely disregard everything my psych teacher is saying to blog :) Don't worry, I actually have an idea of what to blog about this time...It won't just be my brain throwing up onto my keyboard. Pleasant, right?

So this is something I've noticed before, but didn't really contemplate as much until recently. I realized that while I now feel like a college student, I don't feel like a Boston College student. After getting involved with the culture clubs, and hence the Asian community here at BC, I feel like I don't go to Boston College the school, but rather that I attend a small Asian subset of the university. When I walk around campus, or walk into cafeterias, I automatically scan for Asians because it is highly likely that I will know them, either personally or just by face. On the other hand, at non-Asian events I have begun to keep to myself, because it is so much more likely that I don't know anybody at all.

This is not necessarily a bad thing. Being a part of the Asian community here has expanded my networks by a lot, in a way that I rather appreciate. I have met a lot of people that I would've never interacted with otherwise, and my friends are no longer limited to freshmen. There is always something to do, not just on the weekends but on the weekdays as well. There is always somebody who wants to grab lunch or dinner, or head to the gym, or just hang out for a couple of hours. If I can't sleep at night or am still awake at 5 in the morning due to some ill planning on my part, there is always somebody else awake (Apparently, Asians just don't sleep. I thought this was limited to MV, but BC has proven it correct as well haha). I guess it just feels nice to actually belong to some sort of community, to know that there are so many people I could ask for help.

On the other hand, the fact that there is always something to do is affecting the other groups of people or areas in my life. I have not spent quality time with my floormates in forever, and I miss them. I'm losing touch with friends I made first semester, even the people I've met this semester. The constant requests for time are so enticing that my work is more and more often being left undone, and my classes more and more often left unattended. My grades aren't suffering that badly though, which is probably encouraging my behavior in some sense. In fact, I'm even kind of doing better in some peculiar.

I guess that I'm still just looking for that balance that so often eludes me. Something to keep in mind I suppose...

Today is St. Patrick's Day, and the fact that I attend an Irish-Catholic school has never been more obvious. Everbody is wearing green, and some people have been drunk since last Thursday. I'm attending a club event for my friend's company party, so that should be pretty fun/exciting. It is open bar after all :P

I am so tired all the time. Even laying in bed all day for 2 days in a row has not been enough to replenish my energy...Must fix problem now. At least it's been nice outside, nice for Boston as in above 35 degrees. Tomorrow is even going to be 56 exciting!!