The day of the show was pretty smooth, the show was so fun!!! I miss hanging out backstage with all the people in the show, just chilling and eating and having a good time before we have to frantically run onstage :) I miss doing shows!! But yeah the performance was great, videos are on youtube I'm sure, just look up CSA/KSA culture show haha. I wanted to link the video of the fan dance, but I don't think anybody filmed it :( That makes me actually pretty sad....sigh. But anyway, here's a picture of the fusion part, with the korean fans on the outside, chinese fans on the inside :)

The afterparty of course was a complete shit show, full of drunken stumbling, some throwing up, crying, and drunk drama. Fun, but a little ridiculous, I basically ran away when shit started getting stupid and it was so full in the suite that we couldn't move. I did however take down the CSA president...So much for shot to shot hehe. I found her passed out on her bed an hour or two after I'd gotten there :P
yay fan dance girls!! :)
Stay tuned for part 3...