Back in Boston

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 6:44 PM
So I'm back in beautiful Boston after a good flight (half the plane seemed to be Boston College kids, 5 of which I knew :D), which has been covered with a glistening blanket of snow in my absence. It's gorgeous here any time of year really, quite enjoyable if I must say. I'm not quite used to that giant snowbank right outside of my window yet; I still keep thinking that when I look out it'll just be fields of dead grass haha. It's not that cold here so far, but it's supposed to plunge down to 0 degrees sometime this week...apparently it hasn't been this cold since 2005, so my Boston friends inform me. This is such a huge jump from the 60s (now 70s, so my California friends inform me) from the bay area or the ridiculous 80s of Long Beach during my connecting flight. I like the snow, for now at least. You can ask me again in a month. I will include a picture once I find my camera charger, or until the new one I bought arrives.

So since Boston College is Jesuit-Catholic, the week of Easter we get Thursday-Monday off. Because of this extra break, my spring break is earlier than every other school's, happening the first week of March. My spring break is in a month!!! Isn't that ridiculous? I land in San Jose on the 28th of February...LOLZ. But yeah, since nobody else (besides the furious) is going to be in Cupertino, I'm flying down to SD & LA for the 2nd half of the week to see friends :) I'm so excited!!!

UMMM...School starts tomorrow. I'm really not doing anything besides online shopping to waste time...Something I shouldn't be doing anyway since I spent probably around $500 in December on presents and clothes, but that's okay!! Chinese New Years is soon >:] hehehe. I guess being back at school is kind of nice, and my roommate cleaned her room for the first time since summer so my room feels more spacious than ever. I will also have to get used to not having a TV again...It feels like my break was either out with friends or in front of the TV with my laptop and some snacks haha. I've never watched that much tv before in my life.

Unfortunately, along with Boston came the news that one of my extremely good friends here, let's call her S, is transferring to Cornell next year :( She got in along with Boston College, but opted for the one further away from home (she lives in New York). However, BC is just too expensive for her parents and many of my other friends. The college she's transferring into in Cornell is associated with some state school, and she will also be getting much more financial aid so she'd be paying a state school tuition for an Ivy League education. This makes me incredibly sad- While I now know a lot of people here, there are not that many whom I hope I will stay close to for the next 4 years. For a lot of people, they still seem stuck in that high school mode; lots of drama, shit talking, and inconsideration. I'm almost scared to make friends; another cool person I know is supposedly transferring to Columbia next year as well. However, Boston College is what it is, and a $50,000 price tag is a bit much, especially since they are quite stingy with financial aid. I will miss S greatly :(

So ummm, a summary of break. Well as previously stated, tv and friends, and lots of sleep. I started going to the Verde in Castro after the one by quiznos closed down :( I realized that it simply is not worth it for me to spend $3 on a drink that I don't even really like that much, and that the drive to Castro is not that long and completely worth a hot steaming cup of verde :D. Went tipsy to a guard competition, lots of beer pong and other things. I think I have ascertained my poison of choice...Maybe that's not a good thing but it's nice to know I guess haha. I'm at my limit anyway, no more experimenting with new sunstances. But anyway, my BC friends tell me I got skinnier and paler, both of which make no sense.

Also, I don't remember if I mentioned it before, but my friend asked me to choreograph a dance for the annual CSA/KSA Culture Show, which I agreed to do. So I'll be doing the chinese fan dance. I sat at my computer for a couple hours today browsing youtube videos of traditional chinese dances looking for inspiration and a good song, both of which I found. I also used GarageBand for the first time today to edit the song!! Which was very fun and satisfying haha. But I digress. I miss dance. A LOT. I miss chinese dance, I miss modern, lyrical, maybe even ballet. I miss my daily dose of endorphins, I miss being flexible, I miss losing myself in movement and music.

I guess, I miss the opportunities to do whatever I love without having to be a superstar. I want to sing and dance, and do volunteer work, all without having to beat out 100 other hopefuls for maybe 2-3 spots. As a result of this yearning and asking around, I resolve to make use of the empty studio on main campus to dance my heart out whenever I want, and also the soundproof piano-equipped booths in the music building to belt at the top of my lungs without feeling self conscious (dorms have very thin walls, I have learned). I refuse to lose the things that make me happy.

There are a lot of other things I wanted to blog over the last couple of weeks...I was just too lazy to write a legit post instead of just a paragraph about one thing, but now that I've forgotten all of them and this has become a monster post, maybe I should start doing that..hahah.

1 Responses to Back in Boston

  1. Paulina Says:

    "they still seem stuck in that high school mode; lots of drama, shit talking, and inconsideration."

    I definitely, DEFINITELY know what you mean.

    I'm having so many stupid issues with my roommates, like them moving my stuff around and stuff because apparently "I have too much space." And it's like, really? Because I move it out and they move it back in and I'm like wtf. You have your own space. Then we got into this huge text argument when I was on my way to work and then she's like OMG you have more drawers than me, not fairrrr. And I was like you know if you want one, you can just ASK and not have to be a dumb bitch and constantly move my shit and throw my shit around. Fuck.
    And everyone bickers like they're in fucking elementary school. You're doing this wrong, I want you to do that, wahwahwah. It's so dumb.