For Boston, For Boston!

Thursday, August 28, 2008 at 8:30 PM
So I've been at Boston College for about 4 days now...Orientation is done with, and I am finally allowed to sleep in. I'm not quite sure why, but I fail HARDCORE at college. (A bit of background information....I'm on Newton, which is the freshmen campus that is like 2 miles away from the main campus. I have to take the bus to get back to school everyday, which comes every 15 min or so) My alarm clock has failed me miserably so far, and I missed one bus by about 2 minutes, and the other decided to turn off at my bus stop and not move for 20 minutes. I have gotten destroyed by dodgeball (I am currently sporting a bruise the size of my thigh on my thigh and a strange rash on my chest/throat from getting the wind knocked out of me there). I missed a lot of mail that the advisors tell me is very important and I've left everything else I received at home.

I really hope this isn't symbolic of my next 4 years.

As of now though, I get to (kind of) relax, and not have to rush to make the bus for another 5 days. It's kind of lonely in my room since my roommate doesn't move in until Saturday, but I guess this is where my social skills (if any) are put to the test. Enough about me, more about Boston. This place is absolutely gorgeous. The architecture here is much more gothic, and everything seems kind of old (but not decrepit) and made of brick, but with multicolored brick, which creates a very light effect versus the I'm a hick on the farm effect. The campus is huge, but I am assuming that I will learn, eventually. My classes are satisfactory with nothing before 9 and nothing I despise, but starting everyday at 10 does sound quite appealing...hehe. My orientation was pleasantly surprisingly diverse, but that could just be because all the travelers came to this one (ie all the really intense kids from South Korea and every other international school kid). The guys here are built like trees, which is something I'll probably have to get used to (No offense, tree-like men). Everything is just, different, to sum it up in the easiest and most obvious way.

I do miss home. I don't have much time to think about it, but in the random moments where another priest is giving us another lecture on another service opportunity (not that I think they're stupid, just that we've heard it all 3 times already), I snap out of it and realize I was thinking about how one of my friends would react to all this, or what I would be doing if I was back in time 3 hours. By the time I'm back in my dorm, most of my friends are out and about, and when I wake up and am bored I have nobody to text lest they chew me out for waking them up. Like I've said before, it is hard to be away first and so far, but yeah. Life goes on!

Some people are lucky to get cute texts everyday and requests for songs, and basically a try-hard form of contact. I know, I shouldn't be bitter, this was after all my choice too, but it's hard when I like to make an effort while its easier for another to just put it out of their mind, and basically not think about it (or me?) at all. I have to remember that I don't have a say in anything anymore.