2 full weeks into the school year, I certainly do owe a lengthy back-to-school reflection and what not, but I have absolutely no time on my hands and certain events seem to be sapping my energy from me faster than I can refill it.
I was supposed to keep on this stringy old bracelet until Boston felt like home, and over the past couple of weeks I have seriously contemplated it, but things just kept happening that would change my mind. With the events of the weekend I took it off...not because it had finally happened but rather because I was tired of seeing it on my wrist and knowing that it hadn't. For now I keep it safe in a less conspicuous place in the hopes that if it's supposed to happen it will.

This weekend was so much fun, an escape from the real world.
Fantasy worlds are fun but when the show's over dreams are still only dreams...Back to real life I go. about 9 hours agoFantasy worlds are fun but when the show's over dreams are still only dreams...despite how real they actually feel. On the bus back I was just wishing that the ride would somehow become longer, because getting back to Boston meant getting back to everything that had happened before I left. Things will pass but I don't want to wait for it to do so. Back to real life I go.....