Stupidity and a New Start

Saturday, July 26, 2008 at 7:07 AM
So today, I logged out of my xanga account and when I tried to log back in, I didn't remember my password. Not panicking yet, I clicked the convenient "Forgot Password?" button, and promptly sent my password to my registered email. So, a bit of time passes, and no email containing salvation arrives. I check all of my accounts, nothing. And then, a sinking feeling. I realize that the email registered to my xanga account was deleted. NOW WHAT?

So, lucky me, on my lovely mac Safari browser I am still signed into Xanga. However, in order to change my registered email, I need to enter my password for "extra protection", which is screwing me hard instead. While I can still access xanga there, maybe it is time for a change...God knows I've had that xanga since 2005, back when it was all the rage.

So welcome to Pet Monsters and Fat now daily blog. I always did find writing to be quite therapeutic, so I guess I will start posting regularly for the public again, here or on Facebook. Lovely, no?