Real Post Coming Soon, I Promise

Sunday, February 15, 2009 at 5:58 PM
This is just to tide you all over for now, since I haven't posted in FOREVER and I feel slightly bad. :)

1. I (think I) have very good self control, and it transfers over to when im drunk too. I've never done anything really ridiculous that I regret while trashed, and can act sober when need be.

2. On a related note, I think when you're drunk the way you act is just an exaggerated version of who you really are. Therefore, I don't think being drunk is a good excuse for anything. Although blacking out could be a different story, maybe.

3. I've done a lot of things that people would never expect, and I haven't done a lot of things most people think I have. Surprise! Hahaha. You can figure out what I'm talking about for yourselves.

4. One of my biggest qualms with college is the fact that I'm no longer singing or dancing. It really sucks, I miss performing so much.

5. I have clammy hands. The scientific name for it is hyperhidrosis, and yes I looked it up in hopes of finding some way to get rid of it. It's extremely annoying to the point where I'm scared to hold hands with anybody or shake people's hands when I meet them because I don't want to leave a bad impression.

6. I get along with guys much better than girls. I'm not that girly to begin with, I don't have a high pitched voice, and guys just have so much less drama. I usually have several good close girlfriends and several different groups of guys that I like to hang out with, although for some reason its reversed since I got to BC. Gotta work on that one, haha.

7. Loyalty and dependability are two of the most important traits that I value in a friend. If you don't have both, you probably won't get very far on my friend list.

8. It bothers me when people refuse to tip, or tip very cheaply. It's like an extra few dollars, I don't get what the big deal is. I guess related to that, I just don't like it when people treat workers very meanly, no matter if its a waiter, bus driver, or store clerk.

9. Since BC has no greek system, I legit don't know anything about frats and sororities. I try to pick it up, but when my friends tell me about omegas, lambdas, gammas, deltas, or whatever random greek letter I usually don't really know what's going on, and just nod and pretend I do haha.

10. I loooove music. Courtesy of my very diverse music freak friends, I have everything from techno to country to underground rap to top40 songs. My favorite is either electro or songs with great female vocals, but I like to give everything a try :)

11. Everything I do is pretty deliberate and thought out to achieve my own personal goals, including the way I word my sentences. Although of course there are moments where I just don't think, but in general I know exactly what I'm doing. Maybe life would be more fun if I didn't think so much, but it'd also be a lot more up and down. Dunno which one I would prefer.

12. Two things I really regret are quitting piano when I was young and not sticking with dance when I started taking lessons at age 3. I would be amazing at dance right now if I hadn't quit, and I would also be amazing at piano...I wish haha.

13. I have strange sleeping habits. I used to sleeptalk/walk, my dad would wake up to noises and see me standing in the hallways and put me back to bed haha. I also have super vivid dreams that come in sagas and sometimes continue the next time I fall asleep. In the more recent years, I've started lucid dreaming, where the things I'm thinking about turn into what I dream about, but it's a light sleep where I can still hear the things going on around me and can wake up at any time I choose. If not, then sometimes I can control what happens in my dreams :)

14. On a somewhat related note (but not really) I was supposed to be born on Halloween, but was born a week late. Ironically, growing up Halloween was my least favorite day ever, I would always be scared shitless at night. Up until I was around 10 or so, I had a nightmare every year on Halloween to the point where I was scared to go to sleep the night of. I had some repeat nightmares, and some involving my sister the vampire.

15. Connected to that, my sister used to jump out at me from doorways as I walked down this long dark hallway in our house and scream I VANT TO SUCK YOUR BLOOD. She once chased me around in broad daylight around our backyard until I hid in a corner and cried. I was deathly afraid of vampires to the point where i used to sleep with my blankets bunched up around my neck so nothing could bite me in my sleep. I think this thing about vampires has caused some sort of twisted fascination with vampires and necks and what not. I also still hate horror things.

16. Also connected to that, my relationship with my sister is very interesting. She used to abuse me mentally because I abused her physically and my parents wouldn't let her hit me back. She used to call me her pet monkey, once tripped me so I flew into the counter at home and the chair fell on my head, and there is also the almighty Sailor Moon story. However, once she got to college and started drunk dialing me, I think we became friends. I like it better this way :)

17. I love the outdoors. Giant bodies of water are #1 (the beach, rivers/streams/lakes, the Stevens Creek Reservoir), but just generally anything green or blue is gorgeous to me.

18. I like to bake and clean when I'm stressed. I actually kind of just like to clean in general, I have this massive urge to clean my guy friends' rooms whenever I go over.

19. I generally have a very high tolerance for things and people. However, when I'm pissed, I am furious. Although once it passes, I'm all good. I try not to hold grudges, usually they're not worth it.

20. I like to read and write for fun. I miss taking writing and lit classes here...I like math and science too but not enough to take it for fun since I tested out of core.

21. I like my body and the way I look. I don't understand it when girls who are clearly skinny insist that they are fat and then proceed to monitor everything they eat. Just eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full and don't snack in between?

22. After I finish with school I want to travel, live in New York or abroad for several years each, but my heart will always stay in California <3. I want to grow old and die there.

23. A good conversation can cheer me up like no other. Talking, drunk talking, high talking, whatever. I enjoy them all :) In the same vein, I like to listen and give advice.

24. I love to help people, to the point where I screw myself over to make them happy. This used to be a huge problem at the beginning of high school, but then when I resolved to be less nice I became bitchy, and now it just kind of bounces back and forth. It's a neverending battle to find balance.

25. I'm pretty blunt and honest. If you can't handle it, sorry. I don't like this beating around the bush thing, and I think it's stupid to not be real, or even honest to yourself. I'll get less mad if you just tell me than if you hide it and I find out later.

1 Responses to Real Post Coming Soon, I Promise

  1. Paulina Says:

    #9 & #19 for realsies!