Today is Going to Be a Good Day

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 5:37 PM
I know, I know, I fail. I haven't blogged in almost 3 weeks, aka FOREVER. Nothing too ridiculous has really been happening since I've gotten back from the East Coast; Cupertino is what it is, and that is lazy and sunny. I've talked about this with a couple people since I've been back, and living in California makes it SO hard to LEAVE! The perpetually beautiful skies are so tempting, and I kind of just want to laze around and not do anything, ever.

However, fun and exciting things have been happening. My good friend K from BC visited the past weekend, taking a vacation from her lovely hometown of Omaha, NE (HEHE). I took her to all the typical CA things and then some. We went to the beach, got a lot of pearl milk tea (VERDE FTW), yogurt, drunk karaoke-ing, a birthday party, swimming, and basically hit up every food place around here that deserves a visit (La Vic's, In-n-Out, Vivi's, Korean BBQ). On Monday I took her to San Francisco for some shopping and dinner at the Fisherman's Wharf. She wanted seafood and we went to this lovely place called Cioppino's which was rather delicious. Walking back to our car, she was BLESSED with a hilarious encounter with the SF BUSH MAN!!!

For those who do not live in California or who have not heard of this fantastic man, he is a fixture in San Francisco much like the Naked Cowboy in New York's Time Square. Holding and hiding behind a few rather large braches of trees, he waits on the sidewalk, sometimes near trash cans (as in K's case) and jumps out at unwitting tourists, scaring the bejeesus out of him. This being my first time seeing him, and also due to the fact that K does not react well to surprises and loud noises, I would say that she entertained basically everybody walking within a 20 foot radius of us.

A lovely end to a fun California visit I would say :) I was sad to see K go when I dropped her off at the airport, but after all school does start in less than a month so no complaining for me. I'm going to Hawaii with the family next Tuesday as well, so there's really not much time left in our 4 month summer. My good friends either haven't been around all summer or are just about to head back to school, and my thoughts are turning towards the upcoming year more often than not. I'm already getting at least 2 CSA emails a day, and things are starting to pick up! I am very excited :)

In other news, I bought this amazing leather jacket in SF :) I know I said I wasn't going to spend any more money after my shopping spree in New York and Boston, but this is an item that I've been looking for for a LONG time and I will cherish it completely. Also, I have realized that a job next year is pretty much going to become necessary, especially with all the shows that I want to see in the upcoming year. This semester I'll be watching Cirque du Soleil's Alegria at UMass, and a couple of days after that is Regina Spektor at the House of Blues. In October there's hopefully a road trip to New York to catch Chromeo, and maybe Justice later in the month? So many fun events coming up!

One last thing: I need new music!! Any suggestions?? I really listen to anything so....Send me suggestions!!!