Unclenching My Fist

Tuesday, January 20, 2009 at 10:47 AM
This past week has been completely unexpected. A lot of things have happened that I never saw coming, and even more that I did. Regardless, I have come to several conclusions about my life and life in general that I am going to try extremely hard to hold onto. First off, everybody needs to grow up, and everybody deserves a chance to do it on their own. No matter how much I would like to stand there and wait for them, growing up is a personal journey that requires its own space, and sometimes that means alone. Secondly, somehow in the course of the past year or so, I forgot myself. I forgot some of the most basic guidelines that I have always tried to follow, and I forgot that in the end, I will always be okay. I do not really like change; I go along with it because I realize that it is inevitable, but god damn it if I don't like it I am going to fight it every step of the way. But I also forgot when to let go. I did stupid things, I did smart things, and even if this seems to be too fast to be possible, I am okay again.

I am not saying I will be okay forever. This is not permanent in the least, and I have a lot of up and down moments both, where the ups seem too good to be true and the downs seem like they will never end. I still wish things had ended differently, wonder if they had to end at all. I still wish, but I no longer hope that things will go back to the way they were, nor that I will be able to control every single factor leading to the conclusion. Time are a-changing! But I'll take what I can get, and I'm trying my best to move on.

Feelings are hard to describe.

On a much bigger scale, I watched the inauguration (along with millions of other people) and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed. I missed the music acts unfortunately, and I thought it was funny when Obama/Roberts messed up on the oath, but the latter half of the speech was quite moving. My favorite quotes I think are "Your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy" and also "We will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist". I'm optimistic but realistic as well. I think everybody deserves hope, but there is still a lot to be done.

And here, as promised, are pictures of the
beautiful Boston College Campus:

Signing off, hopefully more mature than I was last week.


  1. I enjoy your perspective, also I love all the snow in your pictures of Boston, I'm so jealous.

  2. Crystal Says:

    This post I think articulates everything that I've been feeling..
    I enjoy your blog naomi :)

  3. Says:

    I love your blog, Naomi :)

    And also, YES. I thought I was the only one! I sit on beds all the time and run around in my socks. Man. I am more at peace with myself.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    I feel like I can relate in many ways to your thoughts/feelings, summer of senior year + first semester of college has brought about much change!

    Obama rules

    It's a new day, be excited :)