Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 12:01 PM
So culture show is finally over. Over 6 months of work, including 1 hellishly stressful month, and suddenly I find myself drowning in time when before I had to fight tooth and nail to grasp a measly handful. 2 weeks before the show was the worst for some reason - It coincided with the worst of my homesickness, with social crises and a frighteningly cold spell, and I wondered for a couple of days whether or not it would be actually worth it.

And now it's over. Runthroughs were okay, and sorry to anybody I scared the bejesus out of when I was yelling...but I would do it again! The show actually ended up running very smoothly (minus the parts where I had to talk, heh. Definitely should've planned that out more) and I keep hearing a lot of good feedback. It's so strange to see something that me and M (the other culture chair) envisioned last July coming to life on stage, but I guess that was the theme of the show right? Museum X, where culture comes to life. I'm so proud of myself and thankful for my e-board, the performers, and everybody involved. The moment after we bowed when the curtains closed was such an amazing feeling.
PS: Read the wonderful article that our newspaper wrote about our show HERE

I've been in a ridiculously good mood since our show on Friday, and I keep getting this stupid goofy grin that I can't wipe off my face, but I'm coming down from my culture show high right about now. The weekend was really fun, and also really surprising, and I'm excited to see how everything works out over the next couple of weeks. Unfortunately, I'm having a problem getting back into school mode. I don't think it's related to culture show, although when I was really busy with that I had a legitimate excuse for blowing off schoolwork, whereas now I am just slacking and being lazy. It's so hard to stay motivated 2 semesters at a time!! Okay, I promise myself that I will do better, but all I can think about is going home in 2 weeks for SPRING BREAK!! I'm dragging 4 friends home with me and we're taking a road trip to socal to play at Disneyland and the beach, and I'm really excited!

Something interesting that I used to wonder about. Why is there such a big divide between choreographed dance (hip hop groups, what you generally think of as "dance") and street dance (bboys, lockers, poppers, waackers, etc)?? I don't think it's only a BC thing, since I know my friends from home have also expressed this type of negative sentiment. Also with the recent trend with America's Best Dance Crew, I've heard some of my bboy friends express discontent at classic bboy crews "selling out" by being on the show, and even stealing moves from other well known bboys in the dance world. More personally though, here at BC I waack. I am part of the group Conspiracy Theory, which is composed of mostly street dance styles. However, there is another choreographed hip hop group on campus called Synergy, which has a tendency to run dance shows on campus, and be invited to perform at almost every type of show possible. BC loves them their Synergy. There is a lot of animosity between the 2 groups, a lot of saying that the other group isn't real "dance" and competitiveness is high. It even goes so far as to attacking particular people in each group, which I think is taking it a little far. Of course, all of this could stem from the fact that Conspiracy Theory was started by a couple of ex-Synergy members who disliked the group.

I don't quite know what to make of this - For all intents and purposes, when someone looks at my dance background I am a choreographed style dancer. I enjoy practicing routines for shows for weeks at a time, I enjoy learning other people's choreography. And yet, I still have the utmost respect for street dancers, not necessarily because I now am a part of a street dance style group, but simply because all dance is dance in it's own way...To each his own right? And while I really enjoy Conspiracy and spending time with the people in the group, I can't help but wish that I had tried out for Synergy my freshmen year. I miss choreographed dance and mandatory practices and all day rehearsals.

I'm not too sure what's going to happen next year. I plan to dance my ass off in Tokyo, and I want to continue that when I get back on campus. I'm not sure if Conspiracy alone could fulfill this need, but I know I'd probably get shunned or murdered (even if not seriously) if I ever tried out for Synergy. Not too sure how it's all going to go down....

WHATEVS. All I want to do is dance!

Minor Update

Friday, February 5, 2010 at 4:46 PM
I can feel myself slipping back into Boston mode, but I keep having really upsetting dreams or dreams about home, and I keep waking up unhappy. Oh well, life is okay most of the time. There's a lot on my mind 24/7, I feel like a slave to deadlines and obligations, it's worse. If I forget anything, I'm not disappointing a master, I'm disappointing myself. Culture show mania feels like it's coming to a head, but I know it's just going to get so much worse in the next week. 7 more days...

I hope that it's worth it.

Personal journey is slowly making its way up and down through time. When I'm alone still feels like something's missing...I don't even need to find it I just want to know what it is. Need more creative outlets...

In other news, been rewatching a lot of movies lately. Now I remember why I love 500 Days of Summer so much. Also, any other suggestions?