Home Sweet Home...?

Sunday, November 30, 2008 at 12:24 PM
I've loved being home. I like that when the sun is out it actually means it's warm, I like that I can go into the forest or up to the mountains anytime I want, and I also extremely like my car. Oh, my friends too. But maybe I came back for too long. 9 days is long enough for people to get sick of me, and vice versa sometimes as well. While everybody may deny this and say, nobody got sick of anyone! during this week, their body language and attitudes say differently. While they become my first priority, I am shuffled lower and lower down the list, and all of this time managing leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth and my returning insomnia. Other people we know we should see, but forget to call or try to avoid, because after all we're coming back in 2 weeks anyway. This makes me wonder-what type of relationships are these when it's only good when I am 3000 miles away? After not being able to see these people I care about for 3 months, you would think that we would all have a higher tolerance for each other, or at least we would value our time more. But I guess not. Winter break is going to be a trying time, I can already tell.

My flight is in 11 hours, and I guess I am ready to go back to Boston. Sure, I'll miss the sun and what not, but in the end college seems so much more simple. You are who you present yourself to be, not who they've already dissected and observed in the past. Small things are small things, get involved with them as you may wish. Despite the infinite number of creepers, there are still a few people I'd like to see again and missed this week.

Moving on, Boston here I come!
On the bright side, it's not snowing yet.


Monday, November 24, 2008 at 12:33 AM
SO I am back under the beautiful California sun, and I fucking love it. My flight back was okay, JetBlue has personal TVs which is super cool and I slept through half o the flight. A little kid sat behind me though...not too good. Being at home is really weird though-It feels like college didn't happen at all and that it was all a dream. Everything else seems so far away? I know I missed a bunch of stuff this weekend (parties, events, etc.) but oh well. I don't know why, but everything seemed shorter too when I first got back. I thought I grew taller, but everybody else just laughed at me so I guess not :(. But yeah, being home is good. Drivers are not crazy, the sun is actually warm, the toilet paper is softer, my bed is more comfortable. It's weird using a PC again, and I also don't have a problem with falling asleep anymore! Something that plagued me terribly in Boston.

Home is pretty quiet right now since most people don't get back for a few more days, but that's okay. The love and the furious are both still around, so there's always something to do. Verde closed down, depressingly, but that's okay. ALSO, I gained no weight in college and then I came home and gained a few pounds. WHAT? Also, I have this great urge to go shopping and buy shitloads of things...namely cute winter jackets and the like :) We shall see how effective my self control is over the next few days. I'm definitely avoiding the crowds on Black Friday though.

I have a sty in my eyes and it fucking hurts...ONE IN EACH EYE TOO. It's really uncomfortable and I don't know why, but my eyes are super watery and stuff lately too, which makes me rub them which then leads to the sties (really weird plural word). ARGH it hurts to blink!! :(

I have jetlag. I am very tired.

On the Way Home

Friday, November 21, 2008 at 2:19 PM
So I am currently sitting in Terminal 11 of JFK international airport, waiting for my 7 hour flight to finally get back home. Yay for JetBlue Hot Spots and free Wi-Fi!!! And also for going home...:) I am however exhausted...Last night I went to bed at 1:30 and couldn't fall asleep until 5:30. I lay awake and restless until 4 AM, at which point I rolled out of bed to chat with some other nocturnal friends until 5:30, at which point i collapsed back into bed before waking up around 8:30 for my 9 AM class. SIGH. As a result I am kind of in that so tired I'm awake stage....everything is very clear vision wise and there is a sort of pulsating in the back of my head, but NO WORRIES. I'M ALMOST HOME.

More thoughts about sleep, Asians at BC, and home coming up soon.

More Procrastination

Monday, November 17, 2008 at 8:30 PM
So I just got an email from my professor saying that my 9 AM class is cancelled tomorrow....Needless to say, I am extremely pleased. Apparently my floormates and some people outside could hear me cheering, but they are just party poopers. As a result, all productivity has halted and i am sitting here writing an entry as I wait for my Easy Mac to cool. Oh, how I love you Easy Mac :) Once, my roommate said to me, "You eat that stuff like it's your job"...HAHA. whoops.

I have discovered a new feature on Blogger (thanks to an icon of green people saying 1 follower! which was Neri) that apparently we can follow other blogs now...much like Subscriptions on our dear friend Xanga, I would say. How useful! So if my last fooling arounds on Blogger didn't alert you to your secret stalker, now the green icon will.

My weekend was rather exciting-I watched Quantum of Solace on Friday with my floormates, and went to the football game and partied with the basement guys on Saturday. Sunday was spent on math hw, which took 4 hours (I haven't spent that long on math since like Freshmen year...) and one of my essays. Quantum of Solace is really quite an excellent film. Although many hard-core Bond fans will be disappointed, as it is not a typical Bond movie, Daniel Craig is still one BAMF. And the action doesn't disappoint either...So lesson, just watch it as a great action film.

I have a lot of work to do this week, partly cancelled out by and also caused by the fact that I am going home on FRIDAY!!! Basically, I called my mom and begged her to change my ticket home from Wednesday afternoon to Friday afternoon, and now I have a full 9 days to bask in the Cupertino sunshine :D. I am ridiculously excited by this fact, so excited that I guess I can overlook the 3 chapters of psych and book I need to read, the 3 2 papers I have due (just finished one 2 hours ago! YAY) and the math assignment, all due by Thursday. I suppose it's not that bad, I just have to focus.....says the girl waiting for Gossip Girl to load. I am sooooo SOOOOO sooooooooo excited to finally be going home.

Other side notes....
-I love Boston as a city
-I wish I was watching Vampire Weekend on 12/7, but alas there are no 2 tickets left
-a lot of people here are really inconsiderate and undependable....sad, and I would elaborate, but I am in a good mood and don't want to think about it
-I bought furry moccasins and slippers and a hat from target...I am extremely excited to get them
-it is freezing in Boston...and predicted to snow next week

Stalking and Procrastination

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 10:08 PM
So I realized that I read a lot of people's blogs, some of whom probably don't realize that they are being stalked. Not that I'm creepy, but I noticed this really cool blog thing that everybody else had that listed who they followed, and of course then I wanted one too, but then I realized that getting one reveals how many people's lives I consistently read about.....

Not that I'm creepy, or that I try (which I don't, I promise) but I think I found all of these blogs as a result of some homesick night and random linking from Tiffo's blog. I guess it's just nice keeping up with thoughts of people in situations very similar to mine, and just makes me less homesick knowing that I'm not the only one missing home and 300(o) miles away. But basically, a reiteration...I'm not creepy, just curious. And everybody I stalk, I like to think that I kept a positive rapport with during high school and that we talked at social events, even if it was not that often and even if they don't agree...not that I would know if they don't, haha.

So um...yeah...the secret's out I guess. Hello friends??

Also, this layout is driving me nuts because it's not wide enough to accommodate all the things I want...SO I'll be changing that too.

okay, I think I fixed it.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at 9:28 PM
Shit, I had this really witty blog post (topic) planned out in my head as I was riding the bus, but then I forgot.

BIG Update!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008 at 1:22 PM
Okay, so I haven't updated in awhile, sue me. Wait, don't because I am a poor little college kid. But really, this past week has been ridiculously busy so it's not my fault. On a side note, I have been dubbed tetris queen in psych class. Heh. Okay, I'll retell my life chronologically.

1. I saw Of Montreal at the Orpheum Theatre on the 30th!!! And truly, they are amazing. So I pregamed a little too early and almost passed out during the opening act, Gang Gang Dance, but Of Montreal was invigorating! Gang Gang Dance is good too, really creepy sounds (which...I love. hehe) and the female singer was haunting. Of Montreal's set was so great. They are seriously so absurd and funny, and in the middle of the show they brought out a vegan cake for one of the band's members :) And the entire theater sang happy birthday to him!

2. Halloween! My floormates dressed up as ball players, or gold diggers (aka their hos :P) and I was the ref! We stayed in our dorms for a bit, took pictures and ran around the building visiting friends. Some guys from the second floor were Arnold, Gerald, and Quailman!!! They were very cute running around together :) Of course, there were a ton of Jokers, not many very well done though. We travelled over to main campus around 11 at which point I left my floormates and hit up a dance party with my other girlfriends, which was fun but SO NASTY!!! It was ridiculously hot and the sweat even CONDENSED so it dripped on me as I sat on a couch. GROSS. Despite some minor problems that carried over into the weekend, the night itself was a success I suppose.

3. They offered flu shots on campus on Wednesday, so I excitedly tried to get one...and after waiting in line for almost an hour, I get to the front and I can't get it because I'm not 18 yet, even though my birthday was in 2 days. Fuck my life.

4. My birthday was on Friday!! and I am finally 18, and it feels GREAT. The happiness started around 10 PM the night before because I just decided to not do any work and clean my room and move around the furniture. Okay, that's kind of weird but doing that always puts me in a great mood, even when I was small. I used to clean my room/move around my furniture when I couldn't sleep at night haha. And I got a few really thoughtful presents and my parents sent me balloons and a cake!!!! Which was really cute. :) I performed at an open mic night, which was really amazing b/c of all the ridiculously talented people, and then we went clubbing! Which was fun until we got kicked out, ahaha. I feel like there's some stuff I should think about about that night, but I'm just not going to haha.

5. NOTRE DAME GAME. The rivalry is pretty fun and interesting, especially all the anti-ND shirts that were being sold. It was raining on and off throughout the night, but the game was actually really fun to watch!! Maybe because it was a really short game, but I didn't really get bored. Our last football game!! I'm glad we won though :)

Okay, so my hell week is over. Some other interesting points...Election Day!! I wish I was in California for this election, but oh well. I think this election divided our country in terms of rivalry between Obama/McCain supporters, but hopefully the outcome and his actions can unite us. I got a 92 on my history midterm!! Woot.

I don't know what to think about the people here at BC yet...Definitely, there are people I love to death, but there are others that display certain traits that make me iffy about them. Maybe it's the result of being at a "rich" school, but a lot of people here have been raised so that they never have to think about the consequences of their actions. Or, I don't know if that's right, I can't necessarily blame their parents or their lifestyle...Maybe they are just the more irresponsible and undependable type. Which sucks, because I need people around me that I can rely on.

I'm so excited to go home.