So now that I'm starting to blog regularly for the public again, a question arises regarding how personal my posts will be. Seeing as how I have no idea or no control over who reads this, how much of my life am i really willing to let the world know about? Actually, I guess the previous statement only applies assuming that people will read this..har-har.
I have always been a more public person, I guess. I mean, I don't think I have any deep dark secrets, just more of shit that I would prefer not the entire world to know about...but I guess even if they did it wouldn't really matter. With that said, I guess it also matters even less now. On the threshhold of college and leaving high school behind, the people that I directly interact with on a regular basis are about to change drastically...and to be honest (if not blunt), I really just do not give a shit about high school drama and the people who perpetuate it, regardless of whether they read this or not. I mean, sure, they'll try to create something, but they are more unimportant now than ever...COLLEGE is waiting for me bitches. Sorry :)
What is really stopping me from just laying it all out though, is the fact that the people that I regularly interact with are the ones that affect me, and thus would be blogged about. I can definitely name at least one person who would be VERY displeased if I wrote about them on here...just because they like people not knowing about their business. Also, I have to consider that our deepest darkest thoughts are often very different from the ones that we let other people view...that people we care about, despite your relationship as it is, would be very hurt to find out what you're keeping to yourself. And even though I recognize their faults and am hurt by them sometimes, or I make observations to myself (and maybe in my writing) about these people, I still love them dearly and have no wish to offend them. They are what they are, and no need to rub it in. I respect them, and thus, I will still exercise discretion.
So I guess my original question must be answered with a to-be-determined. While I realize that personal insights are probably the most interesting thing to read, I also have to consider the effect that posting these things might have on my daily life. HMMM....what a dilemma. I guess there's nothing to do about it, but to wait and see I guess. :) Because giving some bullshit answer like, "I will definitely try to the best of my ability to be honest here while not offending anybody" is stupid, and completely impossible.
In other news, the typhoon is RAGINGG. I am stuck inside all day, and there's not much to do. My cousins are so big now!! I remember we used to play with them when they were so small, and now theyre in 7th grade. RIDICULOUS. Then I remembered that I'm in college now, and I felt even more strange. I love Taiwan food. :)
soothifying-sounds-asmr:Steam Cleaning by...
2 years ago